Message from the President

The Sixtieth Anniversary Celebrations of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Accession to the Throne, 9th June 2006.  We have made a pledge in front of the royal portrait that we will be a good people, think good, speak good and do good.  We will be honest in harmony with good action for oneself and others with the purpose for true happiness of society and the nation.

To comply with the aforementioned statement, we have established a “Humanized  Organization”over the past 10 years.  We have joined together to do various good deeds.  These made us experienced the value of taking virtue as the heart of doing business.  In addition, the joy of doing good deeds.  The power of goodness results to corporate work efficienct.  It can be seen that the business growth rate is higher than the country's economic growth rate (GDP) every year.  This further reinforces the confidence in the uncompromising mission to produce goods and services for the well-being of consumers, society and the environment to grow steadily.

Today, 29 July 2015, is an important day in the history of Lion Corporation (Thailand) Limited that we have publicly announced together that we will protect our organization “Corruption-free”, neither support, promote, nor accept any action that dishonest.  We will contribute to the creation of good society and the nation to be prosperous and peaceful.

       All fellow employees please uphold the anti-corruption policy, help cultivate this auspicious policy and pass it on to the next generation as a standard of living of the Lions evermore.

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